It’s nice to get some feedback.
Good Morning Gill/Mark
Apologies for not emailing sooner, had a week’s holiday this week so things were a bit hectic.
Anyway – the CB1300 feels like a new bike. I rode home the day I picked it up from you and thought this is nice. The stutter I complained about at certain parts of the rev range completely gone. The wheel wobble – gone. I am extremely happy that you have managed to get my bike feeling the way it does for me now compared to the way I felt it was when i dropped it of to you. I spent yesterday riding around the peak district and the whole ride was spot on. The smoothness and control at low speeds (filtering speeds) is remarkable. So much more throttle control rather than playing with the clutch to try and keep things smooth is brilliant.
I would highly recommend you to any biker I talk to, excellent communication from the beginning with Gill regarding all my concerns and what I wanted doing. Followed by an excellent end result after the service courtesy of Mark. You have completely transformed my bike and it does feel like new again, in fact better than new. The way it rides now is how I wanted it to ride the day I picked it up.
Many thanks to all at BSD
P.S – Gill, feel free to use these comments on your website if you want to as a response to the entry in your news section.
Thanks again