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This CBR is owned by a lad from Birmingham, and we’ve seen a few of his mate’s bikes over the years.

It was absolutely immaculate but he was getting fed up with his pals riding off into the distance on their Hayabusas and the like so wanted it pepping up a little, as he didn’t want to change it. We fitted a Power Commander PC V and 02 Eliminator – which at least gets rid of the interfering lambda sensor – and set up the fuelling to match the engine and pipe.

When you take the standard end can off and fit an open exhaust, as many owners do, any running issues won’t be evident as you ride off for the first few times. But progressively you will notice issues as the lambda sensor ‘looks’ for the catalyser and without the back pressure of the stock can the ECU will lean out the mixture – thus the problems. So in the end a Power Commander or ECU remap is the only answer to get a sweet running motor…

Beautiful Blade now with added Power Commander.

Beautiful Blade now with added Power Commander.